Ronald Lancto
The Early Years in Pictures

Born December 28, 1932 - Died March 1, 1988 (at age: 55)

'32 Ford Coupe ~ Hot Rods ~ Racing ~ Racing News ~ Snowmobiling ~ Variety ~ Letters

Dear Dad,

This is Michael.  I'm not sure if you can see things like this from where you are in heaven.  If you can, there's a few things I would like to share.  If you can't, well ... I'm also making this page for my children and grandchildren.  I want them to know their grandfather that they never had the chance to meet here on earth -- and I thought this would be better and more accessible than photos tucked away in an album in the bottom of a closet.

Dad, you were a wonderful father to me.  I never doubted that you loved me.  Even when I made you upset or you gave me one of your famous lectures, I always knew you loved me.  No other human being on earth has influenced me more than you did.  You taught me so many things, that I cannot name them all here, but here are a few of them:

  • Things worth doing are worth doing right.
  • There is a proper tool for the proper job.
  • It's a good thing to help a stranger in need, and then refuse any payment for it.
  • There will always be someone faster than you, no matter what you're doing.

Dad, I have so many good memories of you.  You taught me to ride a bike, to waterski, to snowmobile, to hunt, to fish, to ride a mini-bike, and later a motorcycle.  You taught me to drive a car.  You taught me how to shoot pool (which I still enjoy).  You taught me how to treat a girl on a date.  Plus you taught me the value of a strong work ethic.  For these and many more things, I am so thankful you were my dad.

Another fond memory of you is when I was a child and I got sick.  You were always there to rub my back for me.  That comfort during my times of illness so comforted me.  It reminds me now that during times of pain of a variety of sorts, that my heavenly Father is with me too.  So, when my children got sick, I always tried to be there for them in the same way - rubbing their backs for them.

I'm glad I was able to tell you (a couple years before you died), that I was thankful that you did NOT buy me a car when I turned 16 years old.  Even though I knew you could afford it, you said "you'll learn to appreciate and respect a vehicle you pay for with your own money, knowing you have to pay for your own insurance, gas, oil, tires, and maintenance."  You were right.  You were kind enough to work on my cars for me, and I was always thankful to have the best auto mechanic on earth help me -- my Dad.

You went to heaven over two decades ago, but I have never stopped missing you Dad.  I so wish my children could have known you too.  You were always and you remain My Hero.

I love you Dad,
Your son Michael
Click to see Michael Photos

Dear Michael,

I absolutely love the site you made to honor your dad. It made me cry from the instant I opened the page and saw his face. I will always remember your dad as one of the kindest people I've known. He always paid attention to me and always seemed to know how to get past my shyness. It was really nice to see the pictures and to read what you wrote. Thanks so much for sending it to me.

Much love to you, cousin Michael. Just wanted to drop a quick note and say thanks so much for sending me the site honoring your dad.

Your cousin,
(Ron's niece)


INVITATION 1:  If you knew my father (Ron Lancto) and you wish to write an "email of remembrance" of what you thought of my father, please email me at the link below, and I will post as many as possible.  Thank you so much.

INVITATION 2:  If you have any photos of my father (at any age), and you would like them added to this page, please email me (via the link below) and I will reply with my most current email address so you can email them to me via "file attachment." OR you can email me at the link below for my mailing address so you can mail them to me.  I will SCAN in the photos for you.  If you wish the photos returned to you, simply note than in your letter to me, and I will happily return them to you.  Thank you so much.

'32 Ford Coupe ~ Hot Rods ~ Racing ~ Racing News ~ Snowmobiling ~ Variety ~ Letters

This page created in loving memory by:
Ron's 2nd son,
Michael Lancto (click)

Click Here to email Michael

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