Ronald Lancto
The Early Years in Pictures

Born December 28, 1932 - Died March 1, 1988 (at age: 55)

'32 Ford Coupe ~ Hot Rods ~ Racing ~ Racing News ~ Snowmobiling ~ Variety ~ Letters

As a teenager, Ron Lancto asked his Father (Arthur Lancto) if he could have the 1932 Ford Coupe that had been placed in the "junk lot" at Eastside Auto Parts (a business owned by Ron's father).  Ron's dad said "if you can get it to run, you can have it." 

Here is a photo (click here) of what the car probably looked like in new condition.  Only 24,148 of this model car were made.  Below is an artist's sketch of this very popular and famous 1932 Ford "Deuce" Coupe Three Window.

Ron took a part of one junked car, then another, and then another and put then into his car -- until finally the '32 Ford Deuce Coupe began to run.  The photo at the top of this page is my dad (Ron Lancto) as he got that car to run and he began to modify it. Wow, Ron was not only a hit at school having his own car, but also at several neighboring schools and local teenager events.

Ron wasn't satisfied with just having a car that ran, he tinkered with it and modified it.  He made it run better and faster.  He "chopped and channeled" the body of the car.  Eventually Ron became one of the early members of a local Hot Rod Club in the Flint, Michigan area called "Gear Grinders" (click here, to read the history of Gear Grinders, along with a notable mention of Ron Lancto and his '32 Ford "Deuce" Coupe.)

Ron said "you had to build your own hot rod and know your car inside and out to be accepted into the Gear Grinders.  They would ask you about the engine, transmission, rear end, the body, and of course the modifications that were made.  They could tell if you built it yourself, or if you had someone do it for you."

It was in this '32 Ford Coupe that Ron met and dated Beverly Middleton.  They married in June 1954 and took this hotrod on their honeymoon.  Eventually Ron sold this car for $600 (without the engine) to put a down payment on their first home at 3408 Dakota Ave, Flint, MI.  Ron put the engine into one of his race cars.  The following are more photos of my dad and his car.  Enjoy!


Photos below are courtesy of the Rod and Custom Magazine, featuring the Genesee Gear Grinders:

INVITATION 1:  If you knew my father (Ron Lancto) and you wish to write an "email of remembrance" of what you thought of my father, please email me at the link below, and I will post as many as possible.  Thank you so much.

INVITATION 2:  If you have any photos of my father (at any age), and you would like them added to this page, please email me as good of a quality SCAN of the photo.  OR you can email me at the link below for my address so you can mail them to me.  I will SCAN in the photos for you.  If you wish the photos returned to you, simply note than in your letter to me, and I will happily return them to you.  Thank you so much.

'32 Ford Coupe ~ Hot Rods ~ Racing ~ Racing News ~ Snowmobiling ~ Variety ~ Letters

This page created in loving memory by:
Ron's 2nd son,
Michael Lancto (click)

Click Here to email Michael

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