Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

Hello Michael,

I'm interested in making your Perpetual Bible Reading Schedule available as one of the reading schedules for my PDA BibleReader application (see http://www.olivetree.com/handheld/BibleReadMe ). In order to do so, the good folks at Olive Tree software would need your permission (see
http://www.olivetree.com/help/forum/viewtopic.php?t=239&start=0 ). Let me know if you can't see the forum topic and I'll forward the text to

Do you think this option is something that would be possible, provided that you receive the proper credit?


--Mark Nodine

Michael Lancto wrote:

You have my permission. Also, please keep me posted as I also use the OliveTree PDA Biblereader.
Thank you,
Michael Lancto

If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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