Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

Grace and Peace,

I joined the Air Force in 1980 and after graduating number two in my class, I was assigned to Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson Arizona. After three years I was transferred to West Germany.

Friends one day invited me to church . . . though hesitant . . . yet alone and hurting I accepted. They took me to Rheinland Baptist Church. There I was too proud and full of myself to accept what was happening. After nearly five weeks of faithful attendance God used my pride as my downfall: “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)

It was through the preaching of Pastor Roy Grigsby that the Holy Spirit of God got a hold of me. . . it was through his sermon series on the Eagles. Shortly after receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour I began with battles in my life. God had placed several men (George Rundle, Michael Teague and Michael Lancto) in my life to disciple me and lead me.

Shortly after being baptized I moved into the Rheinland Serviceman’s Center (where Michael Lancto was the Director). It was here that my relationship with Michael Lancto began to grow. I despised Bro Lancto . . . as a single man, an adult, educated and knowing how to live my life, the last thing I wanted was someone telling me what to do. He constantly rode me . . . constantly in my face with God this and God that . . . that is not Christ like . . . I hated it. I hated being held accountable for my actions or lack of them.

As one who was a believer in evolution it was difficult to receive and believe the creation story. I remember having conversations, well arguments, with Bro Lancto and Bro Rundle on this subject on several occasions. Eventually I was persuaded to a point of theistic evolution. But again the conversations continued . . . PTL I renounced those heresies and have accepted the simple truth of the Scriptures.

God knew what I needed . . . as I started attending Bible College at Rheinland and began to grow in the Lord . . . he backed down quite a bit, or at least I thought he did . . . turned out that the truth is that as I grew closer to God, I began conforming to His image. Now my carnal self was growing and was able to receive with gladness the teachings of the Scripture. I now realized I was maturing something I never had before. Bro Lancto was consistent but the difference now was what he was asking us was nothing more than what the Word of God required of us. I was upset and mad because of my pride and arrogance that I did not need anyone. It was there in Germany that God called me to preach.

Upon returning to the United States I completed my Bible College receiving my bachelors in Theology and eventually a masters. Upon graduation I looked back at my life and saw the people that God had placed in my path. I praise the Lord for those men who loved the Lord and only wished to see the best for me. It took time to appreciate what others did for me . . . I for one am truely thankful that Bro Lancto never backed down. He was consistent in his witness, testimony and most of all unconditional love. His ministry unto the Lord helped me with my walk with the Lord. I also realized he was like a I am . . . a sinner and not perfect. Only serving the Lord to the best of his ability.

After Rheinland and now looking back . . . I see many areas of my life that has changed because of God. The emptiness is gone. I believe the greatest lesson learned aside from trusting the Lord has been learning to forgive myself so I can forgive others. I know I have never been a kind person . . . ungrateful to many. But I have learned to forgive others and realize that life is too short to hold grudges . . . it is not Christ-like. My brother and I have reconciled and now are closer than ever.

The journey God has had for me has always been small steps at a time . . . as I grow . . . he has enabled me more. Today, I serve Him in several ways . . . I am by the Grace of God his servant serving as the Pastor of a small rural church here in California these past 12 years. God has also used me to serve Him through a Martial Arts Ministry over the years . . . having seen many added to the church, many coming to Christ, many into discipleship programs. We also have started a Spanish ministry which is still in its infancy, so please pray, as well as having been in several countries on short term missions trip, the most notable being to Spain several weeks right after 9-11. This was a blessing seeing part of my family travel nearly nine hours to hear me preach and giving me the privilege of sharing the Gospel with them.

The greatest joy is knowing that both of my parents are now with the Lord because of seeds planted in me at Rheinland Baptist Church so many years ago. The church, but especially more these three brothers, have been a major part of who I am today and I praise the Lord for them.

Because of Calvary

Miguel Jurna, Pastor

First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 578
Olivehurst, CA 95961
Phone: (503) 743-1831

If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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