Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

Brother Michael

Evelyn and I have been reviewing the opportunities and experiences of our lifetime. God has blessed us beyond measure. All of those blessings have included people either those we have ministered to or who have ministered to us. Michael, you have been a help and encouragement to us for many years.

We still remember how you were actively working with the servicemen in Germany. That was our first contact with you. You were a real friend and helped Charlene during her visit in Landstuhl. You encouraged us while we had meetings with you in Michigan.

We have now held almost 2,000 three-day conferences across the USA and Europe. During that time you went out of your way to answer our questions or encourage us in person, phone or email. You helped us with financial and business counsel. You advice is still affecting our life.

We are now working through some physical problems (Alzheimer's, AFIB, hearing challenges, etc.) and making required adjustments. We know that we can count on your support in prayer, financial advice and encouragement.

We have so much to thank others for.

Thanks for your continued friendship
Reub and Ev Ewert
Live a Truth Ministries
If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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Email: MichaelLancto@yahoo.com

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