Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

August 16, 2007

Dear Michael,

I just wanted to write and thank you for your help and friendship over many years, but especially this past year since Darrell's illness and passing.  It's now August, 2007 - three months since Darrell died, and I  want you to know how much I appreciate all your prayers, counseling and advice.  You have kept me grounded over this very difficult time of my life.  When I questioned God, you were there for me, helping me understand and put into perspective the bigger picture.  Always reminding me of God's love and mercy and grace to each one of us!

Also, I want to thank you for all your help with my AmeriPlan business (even though I'm not in your downline and you don't benefit from me at all).  I don't know how I could have kept my business going without all your help!  Hopefully, I can start doing more with my business soon! 

Thank you also for opening up your conference calls and training events to so many of us who are not even in your downline.  I know you do not receive any financial reward for that but it has certainly been a blessing to all of us!

May God richly bless you!
Lynn Deer
Oviedo, FL
(407) 463-9338


If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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