Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

Dec 7, 2009


Being it is all most Christmas and a time for giving, I wanted to thank you for the years you modeled Christ in front all the Team 2000 and me. You had given me something to hold on to when I was at a point in my life feeling there wasn't anything or reason to be here. At that time in my life, I did not feel that God or anyone else loved me or care about me. You will always be a friend and a brother to me.

By the way the church appointed me their Director of Missions this past Sunday. See how God used you to guide me. I am a missionary too.

Love you my brother
Larry Chambless
Jacksonville, FL

If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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