Michael Lancto
The Letters Through the Years

Dear Michael.

Thank you for your Bible reading schedule.

I read your testimony and I was impressed by the way you are supporting yourself in the ministry.

I found your site through http://www.wayoflife.org/suggestedsites.htm

My wife and I are struggling to rid ourselves of the errors of Word of Faith teaching and Pentecostalism. We live on a small island in the Baltic, called Bornholm ( a part of Denmark) and since leaving the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, we have very little fellowship.

We do have our own small home Bible study group. This is not because we do not wish to fellowship with others, but because we cannot find a church that isn't Charismatic, or doesn't have a female pastor.

I have a Bachelor Degree in Systematic theology, so I feel that I am fairly well grounded in the Word of God, but nevertheless, it has been difficult for us to read the Bible without understanding certain passages in the light of the erroneous teaching we were so used to for so many years.

I am also interested in computers, and I own and program the site http://www.openmail.cc  I am currently working as a programmer for a small Danish company.

In His service,

Ian Armstrong
If you would like to submit a letter to be considered as an addition to this page OR if you have a photo that you believe would be a blessing to others and compatible with any of this website, please email Michael at michaellancto@yahoo.com - Thank you!
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